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How to reach us?

Castle Roštejn is located on the edge of so called region of Jihlavské vrchy, Vysočina Region, Czech republic. Castle is situated at the end of roadway beetween villages Doupě and Růžená and near cities Telč and Třešť.

By car

You can reach us by car from two directions – from village Doupě (direction Telč) and from village Růžená (direction Třešť). There is car park in front of the castle, which is closed only during big cultural events, it that case you will find additional information in Currently section.

If you want to use Roštejn car park for overnight stay with you van, or RV, please reach us in advance on phone or email, or personally at the castle cash desk.

By walk, on bicycle

You can use some forms of public transport and then by walk or on bicycle finisch your journey to the castle. Below you will find stops of public transport near the castle :

Telč (10 km, train, bus)
Třešť (9 km, train, bus)
Hodice (5 km, train, bus)
Růžená (2 km, bus)
Doupě (2 km, bus)
Mrákotín (10 km, bus)

Organized groups by bus

Both roads leading to the castle are wide enough for bus. If you are planning to come by bus, please contact us, we will provide you additional information about parking.