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Brief history of the castle


1339 – the Lords od Hradec acquired the Telč estate from King John of Luxemburg

1353 – the first written reference to the castle Roštejn

1550 – Zacharias of Hradec acquires the Telč estate into possession, his older brother Jáchym holds possession of Jindřichův Hradec estate

1560s – 1570s – reconstruction of the mediaeval building into a renaissance hunting lodge, the firt written reference to the game preserve

1589 – Zacharias of Hradec dies without heir, his nephew Adam II of Hradec acquires the Telč estate into possession

1604 – the last male member of the Lords of Hradec family dies, the Telč estate is inherited into the possession of the Slavates of Chlum and Košumberk

1693 – Telč estate passes by inheritance to the Lichtenstein – Castelcorn family

1796 – the estate passes into the possession of the Podstatzky – Lichtenstein family

1915 – on 12th June devastating fier in the castle after the lightning struck the castle tower

1923 – 1928 – provisional repairs of roofs and trusses damaged by the fire

1945 – confiscation of the property of Podstatzky – Lichtenstein family, extinction of the surrounding game preserve due to non-existing maintenance

1958 – the beginning of an extensive reconstruction of the castle  

1963 – Roštejn entered into the Central List of Cultural Monuments

1964 – the Vysočina Museum in Jihlava takes over the management of the castle

1969 – the castle made partially accessible to public

2006 – establishment of new game preserve in vicinity of the castle (in the direction of Telč)

2017 – 2020 – reconstruction of the castle into form corresponding to its period use as a hunting residence, installation of exhibitions dedicated to hunting and forestry  

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